2023, Stone-Cold                
(Multimedia sculpture)

During my minor, I researched the urge of people to leave a mark behind themselves and I started questioning if nature does the same. 

„Stone-Cold”  is a mixed-media sculpture, consisting of wood, metal, ceramics, PU foam, and a mixture of moss. By making artificial rocks and providing the space for moss to grow and express, I became a provider rather than an artist. 

The phrase ‘being stone cold’ is a common saying that signifies emotional detachment. There is an irony in expressing one’s feelings onto a rock. I have commenced an exploration of various forms of expression left behind by humans, such as graffiti, and have sought parallels in nature. Nature is often perceived as an empty canvas for people. What if nature is not perceived as a canvas but rather as an artist? For instance, bacteria carry various pieces of information about the climate. All these elements grant nature the ability to communicate without saying a single word. These similarities serve as evidence of nature’s expressionism. Could natural elements be considered art? This installation invites the viewer to question what they see and to search for similarities between human and nature’s expressions and their relationship.

Exhibited in the group show “Soulful Curation: Care Odyssey“ at OX.Space in Rotterdam