
The work of Denisa Voláková explores the relationship between humans and nature and pushes the boundaries of what is possible. She is a visual storyteller who translates research and thoughts into dreamy objects that question the power of humans. She grew up in Prague, Czechia where she studied graphic and interior design. Her artistic journey took her to the Netherlands, where she developed into a multidisciplinary artist with roots in Product design degree, which she is currently finishing at Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. She also deepened her knowledge during her 6-month internship in Stockholm, working with well-established artist Anton Alvarez. 

Exhibitions and recognitions

12/2023 ‘Soulful Curation: Care Odyssey‘ group exhibition, OX.Space, Rotterdam - exhibiting 

07/2022 ‘SympaSympo‘, Prague - ceramics symposium at UMPRUM 
(The Academy of Arts in Prague)

10/2022 ‘Felt like‘ exhibiting at DDW, Klokgebouw, Eindhoven - showcasing ‘Till we cross paths again

06/2021 TOP 10 HEMA Design contest, 
Amsterdam - group project ‘Het Kleed voor ieder één‘

06/2019 Fest Michael Award, Prague - Best graduation work in Interior Design major


2020 - 2024 Willem de Kooning Academy, 
Product design major, Rotterdam 

Riga - Exchange focused on Interior design

Gent - Exchange focused on Global warming

2015 - 2019 SŠ MICHAEL, 
Graphic and Interior Design major, Prague